• Oregon Wine Barrels Chehalem


2008 | Great Vintage, Thanks to An Indian Summer
November 2, 2008

The parallels to 1999 are complete for the 2008 vintage. An exceptionally cool growing season ends in full ripening warmth, sun…

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2008 | Same Hard Work, Just Prettier Days In Which To Work
October 26, 2008

Higher elevation blocks of fruit and higher acid varieties are all that await picking, so the white press has lain idle…

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2008 | Seems Like an Excellent Harvest, Definitely an Excellent Harvest Crew
October 19, 2008

For all the impending flood, get-out-your-ark predictions just before harvesting began, this has been a stellar vintage, without rain effects or…

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2008 | Late, Late, Late
October 12, 2008

This is the first Harvest Page for this year, and it’s the latest ever — both Harvest Page and Vintage —…

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2007 | Putting Things Away
November 2, 2007

Harvest 2007 ended on Thursday (Nov. 1), as we brought in our last block of Riesling from Corral Creek Lower, the…

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2007 | When We Suddenly Go from Insanity and Chaos to Calm and Centered
October 21, 2007

There is a point in every vintage where you think you can’t do anymore, spend anymore time in the winery, cope…

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2007 | More Age on Vines, More Age on Winemakers
October 14, 2007

The last week has seen major grape harvesting of those vineyard blocks that needed more time for flavors to develop. On…

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2007 | Long Days, Full Fermentors, and Beginning to Pick Ridgecrest
October 6, 2007

We expected a later Harvest this year, but Mother Nature gave us moisture rather than sun to dictate picking times. We…

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2007 Cooler Growing Season than 2006, but Average Over Last 11 Years
October 2, 2007

Ripe but with Lower Sugars and Great Acids Sorry for not ripping one of these Harvest Pages out before now, but…

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2006 | I Could Get Used To This
October 29, 2006

I Could Get Used to This Our last harvesting is over almost a week now. Only tiny ferments remain for punchdown,…

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